So after having Caleb home for 6 weeks (yes that's right he didn't work for 6 weeks.... how, you ask? 2 weeks of R & R after returning from deployment, 2 weeks of "baby watch" as we approached my due date and then 2 weeks of paternity leave after Clark was born. The Air Force has it's advantages) Anyway, after having Caleb home for 6 weeks, which was amazing.... he had to return to work today and Clark and I were alone for the first time. Day didn't go so great. Due to a battle to get Clark to gain weight we were giving him formula after each breast-feeding. Well, since he's been slowly gaining weight (up to 7 lbs now) the Dr. says we can give him formula after every other feeding now. Well, while it's still frustrating to me to give him any formula at all..... I thought it was fair to just do every other feeding for a while. Clark evidently hates that idea. He got used to the full feeding and then a bottle for dessert. So our first day alone he's been expecting that bottle after each feeding and then gets frustrated & screams when he doesn't get it. Needless to say Mommy will be very happy when we can get this little formula addict off that stuff for good.
A perfectly content Clark after a full nursing & 2 oz of formula
Our little formula addict wants bottles after each feeding! Lets hope he can keep this weight on so we can ditch the bottle for good!