1 month already? Time is flying by! We learn new things about our little Clark almost every day, it's so awesome to watch his little personality develop. It's been a great first month. He'll sleep about 4-5 hours at night (yay for momma). But we are having a little bit of a struggle keeping weight on him (Can't say we're too surprised, look at his daddy!), but I've resigned myself to the fact that he needs formula supplement for a little while, and that's okay. We just want him to grow at this point. And he is! This week he gained 8 oz in 3 days with formula supplement! He's up to 7 lbs 9 oz. Go Clark!
Our happy boy with his "1-month tie" on
He's already enjoying the bumbo seat Grandma got him!
Hanging out with "Uncle Micah"
One of my favorite pictures! He already adores his daddy! And it's amazing how well he can hold his head up!
His tiny foot! Yeah, that's a quarter!
Enjoying his play mat from Gramptee!
We had a great visit from Grandma! We had a couple of warm days and we even got Clark out for his first walk!
Looking very handsome in his tie shirt on Sunday
Clark was very fussy one night and we discovered that Caleb's signing really soothes him.
Joining us for dinner one night :-)
Here he's "the thinker"
Thinking some more in his moose jammies