Our big boy is 2-months old now! Time sure is flying amidst the organized chaos of our days. Caleb & I are still trying to develop some-what of a routine for Clark, but as I always say "now, Clark's the boss"! He's sleeping well through the night on an off, sometimes up to 5 and 6 hours at a time! Mommy LOVES those nights!
Lot's of first's this month:
-He had his first road trip, 3 hours to Wichita to see Uncle Micah. He did great overall; sleeping in the car, and sleeping 5 hrs each night we were there!
- He got his first sunburn, which mommy wasn't thrilled with but I guess it was going to happen at some point (now we keep sunblock in the diaper bag!)
- He's starting to give us big smiles now! We love that!
- And now he's sleeping out of Mommy & Daddy's room and in his own room like a big boy. He adjusted to that change a lot better than we thought!
Our handsome boy's 2-month picture!
I had to add these "practice pictures" on here, just because they're cute
"Achoooo!" says Clark
I love that sweet face :-)
And he looks like such a little man in this picture with that tie & that expression on his face! Cute!