Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our first day alone

So after having Caleb home for 6 weeks (yes that's right he didn't work for 6 weeks.... how, you ask? 2 weeks of R & R after returning from deployment, 2 weeks of "baby watch" as we approached my due date and then 2 weeks of paternity leave after Clark was born. The Air Force has it's advantages) Anyway, after having Caleb home for 6 weeks, which was amazing.... he had to return to work today and Clark and I were alone for the first time. Day didn't go so great. Due to a battle to get Clark to gain weight we were giving him formula after each breast-feeding. Well, since he's been slowly gaining weight (up to 7 lbs now) the Dr. says we can give him formula after every other feeding now. Well, while it's still frustrating to me to give him any formula at all..... I thought it was fair to just do every other feeding for a while. Clark evidently hates that idea. He got used to the full feeding and then a bottle for dessert. So our first day alone he's been expecting that bottle after each feeding and then gets frustrated & screams when he doesn't get it. Needless to say Mommy will be very happy when we can get this little formula addict off that stuff for good.
A perfectly content Clark after a full nursing & 2 oz of formula

Our little formula addict wants bottles after each feeding! Lets hope he can keep this weight on so we can ditch the bottle for good!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Getting to know you....

Clark's first 2 weeks at home have been so great! We've had family visiting and Clark's enjoying getting to know us, and we're loving getting to know him!
Here we are with Grami! It was so nice to have her stay with us for a while!

Hanging out with Tigger!

Getting to know the dogs with Daddy!

Sleeping late with Daddy!

Snuggling with Momma

He loves his "ocean wonders" swing!

Hanging with Grami

Now he's hanging with Sugar!

Clark's first bath's at home!
Clark really hates baths

We even got a visit from Judd & Anna!

Matching camo outfit with Daddy!

Making Grandpa laugh already! Fun!

Clark Arrives!

THE BIG DAY! After several weeks of mild contractions, it turns out the Clark was really preparing for his arrival! We went to the Dr. for a regular check up on February 3 and it turns out I was sitting comfortably at 4 cm dilated! Due to the fact that a snow storm was moving in, and things seemed to be progressing quickly, the Dr. suggested we take a trip to the hospital. We got to the hospital, water broken, a little bit of pitocin later and labor was really moving along! We were getting very excited! My labor total time was about 10 hours, pushed for 30 minutes, and yes.... I did it all without any pain medication! Clark arrived 11:59pm February 3!
I'm actually in labor in this picture. We were laughing an joking around through most of my labor. It was exciting knowing we were going to meet our little man soon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY CLARK! This marker board in our room made it feel more real when we checked in! WOW!

Here he is! All 6 lbs, 12 oz 19" of him!

Caleb was comforting him the whole time they did his first tests, it was sweet.

So in love with our little guy!

And baby makes 3!

Proud Daddy!

His sweet face :-)

Here his is in his little bear suit, ready to go home!