Monday, October 17, 2011

Everyday fun with Clark

Fell asleep while eating dinner one night :-)

He loves his "big boy cup" (he doesn't have the hang of drinking with it yet,
but it's good for him to try)

Daddy's guitar case is the perfect height for him to practice pulling up.
Can't believe he's pulling up already. He'll be a walker very soon!
Pulling up on the coffee table

He likes his books

Friday, October 7, 2011

8 Months!

Our big boy is 8 months now! He's had some big milestones over the last month! Getting good with finger foods, learning new sounds like yaya, and baba, crawling, and he has 2 TEETH! He's crawling so fast now and he's already in to everything, even trying to pull up! Look out Larsen family, Clark's on the move!
Big Boy's 8-month pic!

Taking a walk with Mama

Mowing the lawn with Daddy

Look at those teeth! He's growing so fast!