Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Fun for Clark!

Things just keep getting more fun & exciting for Clark! We got him a "jumperoo" this week. While he's a little too short to actually jump in it (his feet are far from the ground), he's still really enjoying it. I put his high chair together to prepare for his big introduction to solids in 2 weeks! And Clark has an official first favorite toy, "Chuck"! It's really cute.

Having a blast in his jumperoo

So many new things to play with!

Preparing for solids soon.... Clark says "let's eat!"

Hanging out with "Chuck", his favorite toy

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

3 Months!

Clark is 3 months old now! He's quite a big boy these days, and had a few milestones this month:

- We discovered his favorite game, is sticking out his tongue then watching you do it
- He's a full time tummy sleeper now! So his neck is getting much stronger and he's already pulling up on his knees for crawling! Yikes.
- His weight is in the double digits now! At his Dr's appointment this month he weighed in at 10lbs 5 oz! With his struggle to gain weight when he was first born, it's such a relief to see him chunking up now!
Our Big boy's 3-month picture!

His hair gets more red every day! Look at it in the sun!
He might be a little carrot top! :-)

Clark LOVES sleeping on his tummy! This particular day he slept until 10:15 am! Sleeping a total of 11 hours, waking only 1 time to eat!
I couldn't believe it, that's a record!

Check out me and Clark playing his favorite game! He loves to stick out his tongue and then watch you do it! It's so fun to get those big grins!