Monday, April 25, 2011


Clark's First Easter!
Wearing the Easter Outfit Grandma Cindy sent. It's so cute!

With the "My First Easter" bib

Dying Eggs!

Clark a little confused by the dying process. "So what do you do?"

Starting to interact with toys now. Caleb says this picture is called
"Clark doesn't trust elephants"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Man of Steel!

Clark, Our Little Superman

Even Superman has what we call "The Fist feast"

Preparing his Superman punch!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Clark's preparing for warmer days....

Now that our long winter is over, Clark is getting out more. He sure loves the outdoors! Now that he's smiling and is able to interact with us more, it's fun to see things he enjoys now.... and things he doesn't.
He hates this sun hat for some reason. Maybe he'll get used to it, but for now, he hates it!

Our handsome boy loves his new Spring outfit! It says "Little guy, big roar!"

He's actually starting to like baths now! I can't believe it! Caleb even got him to smile during a bath the other night! That's a stark contrast from screaming like we were torturing him every time he had a bath, that was just a month ago! Bath time is much more enjoyable these days!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2 months! WOW!

Our big boy is 2-months old now! Time sure is flying amidst the organized chaos of our days. Caleb & I are still trying to develop some-what of a routine for Clark, but as I always say "now, Clark's the boss"! He's sleeping well through the night on an off, sometimes up to 5 and 6 hours at a time! Mommy LOVES those nights!

Lot's of first's this month:
-He had his first road trip, 3 hours to Wichita to see Uncle Micah. He did great overall; sleeping in the car, and sleeping 5 hrs each night we were there!
- He got his first sunburn, which mommy wasn't thrilled with but I guess it was going to happen at some point (now we keep sunblock in the diaper bag!)
- He's starting to give us big smiles now! We love that!
- And now he's sleeping out of Mommy & Daddy's room and in his own room like a big boy. He adjusted to that change a lot better than we thought!

Our handsome boy's 2-month picture!

I had to add these "practice pictures" on here, just because they're cute
"Achoooo!" says Clark

I love that sweet face :-)

And he looks like such a little man in this picture with that tie & that expression on his face! Cute!

Our big boy...

Clark loves to snuggle with Daddy. After a day full of crying,
this is the only way we could get him to calm down.

Our happy boy, loving his play mat one morning

Not too happy for this pic

Yay, Daddy's home from work!

This is Clark's favorite way to be held! The "Football Hold" they call it! When he's fussy this calms him down instantly. It's like magic!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

Our silly boy :-)